Nypa fruticans (Thunb)
Dichotomously branched, rhizomatous stem,
underground fibrous root
No aerial roots but the leaf rachis base
are spongy and act as the aerial roots fro gaseous exchange.
Leaves pinnately compound, spirally arranged
on the top of the rhizomatous stem
Leaves upto 5 m long, rachis stout, glabrous,
sheathing base upto 60 cm diam., terete, shiny, green, glabrous, isobilateral,
distinct mid-vein, unicostate parallel venation.
Inflorescence spadix on a long peduncle,
upto 50 cm long cylindrical, several spathe enclosed
Male flowers gregariosly in each peduncle,
covered by spathe
Tepals 6, polytepalous in two whorls,
ovate, elliptic, entirem acute, tufted, glabrous, shiny
Stamens 3, united to form central column,
anthers bilobed, upt o 0.4 cm long
Female flowers enclosed by spathe
Tepals 6, as male tepals, carpels 3, free,
angular but funnel shaped, unilocular
Single ovule, basal placentation, style
and stigma 0
Fruits drupe, glabrous surface, dark brown
epicarp, upto 12 cm long and 25 cm periphery, ridged and angular, mesocarp
fibrous, endocarp thick.
The plant looks like sunken coconut tree
There is no well developed aerial roots
Leaf looks like coconut leaf; leaf-base
serve the function like aerial roots, pneumatophores for the gas exchange.
Leaves 5-6 m long, pinnatisect, large,
midrib woody, round
Flowers monoecious on terminal erect branches,
Fruit large 10-15 cm, globose 1-seeded,
seed length upto 10 cm modified hypogel germination, cryptoviviparous
Economic Importance : Its inflorescence
sap or juice is laso important for alcohol and mollasses preparation.